Comparative Inequality and Inclusion Cluster | Monthly Seminar


Wednesday, April 14, 2021, 12:00pm to 1:30pm



Cluster affiliates come together to share their in-progress research and gain insights from fellow affiliates on how to improve and develop their work. 

  • Thijs van Dooremalen on The Political (In)Significance of Extreme Weather Events in the American, Dutch, and Austrian Public Spheres
  • Elena Ayala-Hurtado on "This Isn’t Quite What I Expected:” Insecure College Graduates in the United States and Spain
  • Caleb Scoville on How Did Face Masks Become Politically Divisive During the COVID-19 Pandemic? Evidence from a Large-Scale Media Analysis

If you are a Cluster affiliate, you are welcome to attend. You must register in advance.


For more information, email Sarah at