Riva Kastoryano

Riva Kastoryano

Research Director, National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS)
Professor, SciencesPo Paris
Affiliate, Weatherhead Research Cluster on Comparative Inequality and Inclusion (2023-2024)


Research interests: identity and territory in relation to nationalism. 

Riva Kastoryano is a research director at the CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research), and Professor at SciencesPo Paris. Her work focuses on identity and minority issues and more specifically to their relations to states in France, Germany, the United States. She was a lecturer at Harvard University 1984-1987, and has been teaching at the Institute for Political Studies in Paris (SciencesPo.) since 1988 and as a visting professor at the New School for Social Research since 2005.

Her books are Negotiating Identities. States and Immigrants in France and Germany Princeton University Press 2002. She also edited Quelle identité pour l’Europe ? Le multiculturalisme à l’épreuve (Paris, Presses de Sciences-Po 1998 and 2005 for the second edition) ; Nationalismes en mutation en Méditerranée Orientale (Changing Concept of Nationalism) (with A.Dieckhoff) Paris, Ed.du CNRS 2002 ; and Les codes de la différence. Religion, Origine, Race en France, Allemagne et Etats-Unis, (Codes of Otherness. Religion, Ancester and Race in France, Germany and the United States) Presses de Sciecnes-Po, 2005. Turkey Between Nationalism and Globalization, London Routledge 2013. Her last book is : Que faire des corps des djihadistes? Territoire et identité, Paris Fayard 2015, Burying Jihadis: Bodies between State, Territory and Identity,  London, Oxford U. Press and Hurst Pbl 2018.

This information is accurate as of the affiliate year indicated. (update 1.30.2024)